Is there a way to have SolidCP at CAA DNS records when using SimpleDNS?
Currently i do not think SolidCP has such records implemented (on any dns provider).
Hi Marco,
Thanks for this, another quick one if that is ok? the issue I have is that I can manually add the CAA records on the SimpleDNS server direct. The issue then is that if we edit any record within the DNS editior, upon clicking save, the CAA records are wiped out at the server level.
Any ideas why this would happen?
Hi Marco,
Any idea how we can stop this?
Sorry seems i missed the last question.
I wonder if SolidCP stores your dns records for simple dns, as for example with MS DNS i know it reads the records live (not stored in DB) so any modification is normally never overwritten / reversed.
I can check if i can add in CAA records before the next release in about a month which should fix this issue by default.