How to Update SolidCP 1.4.8 to 1.4.9
02 - 02 - 2023After almost a year it was time to release version 1.5.1.
We aimed to release the .net release for all platforms however it needs some further Testing and debugging before it is ready (getting really close now!).
With all the enhancements, fixes and new software support it was definitely time to make a new stable SolidCP Release.
A few highlights:
- Microsoft Windows 2025 support.
- Smartermail v100+ api (native), support & added features.
- DNS enhancements (TTL now able to set per record).
- SimpleDNS fixes
- Mailenable fixes
- Bind / PowerDNS – lenghty DKIM now working.
- Microsoft SQL 2022 support on the installer.
- Hyper-v 2025 support and enhanced features.
For a detailed change log please check out our Github repo: https://github.com/FuseCP/SolidCP/releases/tag/v1.5.1
How to update
The preferred update method (and only fully supported automated method) has been the Powershell update method for a while now, for this update it’s highly recommended again.
How to perform the powershell update can be found here: https://solidcp.com/kb/update/solidcp-update-script-powershell/
Manual update:
You can also chose to update manually, some people still prefer this method or when the automatic update fails of causes issues this can be performed to rule out issues: https://solidcp.com/kb/update/howto-update-solidcp-1-4-8-to-1-4-9/
You will need to make a change to the Portal web.config:
<add type=”SolidCP.Providers.ResultObjects.HeliconApeStatus, SolidCP.Providers.Base, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=da8782a6fc4d0081″ />
(where version= equals the previous version you where running before updating).
<add type=”SolidCP.Providers.ResultObjects.HeliconApeStatus, SolidCP.Providers.Base, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=da8782a6fc4d0081″ />
Using installer:
The installer is still used by some, however it comes with a draw back that it deletes the scheduler config from the enterprise/bin directory. Please make sure you backup the file and stop the scheduler service from services when updating enterprise. Once updated place back the config in the bin folder.
You will need to manually update the web.configs to it’s new values similar to the steps in manual update which can be found here: https://solidcp.com/kb/update/howto-update-solidcp-1-4-8-to-1-4-9/
I hope you all enjoy this new stable release, I thank you all for your patience during my absense and i hope we can all move forward quickly in the next year!