<span lang="en">Hello, SolidCP does not create zones will NAMESERVER1 and even in NAMESERVER2, although he tried normal DNS and DNS fo Windows 2012+, my vps are Windows 2012 r2.</span>
How did you configure your DNS in solidcp? as nameservers, soa information etc should be correctly filled in.
SolidCP Server should be running on the DNS Server (primary) and secondary, both should be added to the SolidCP Portal.
Once it's all correctly set it should have no issues with creating dns zones.
Do note: Existing spaces will not automatically have the DNS Service added to their space (as they preserve existing settings)
<span lang="en">The only spaces hosting system I have is, how do I add the dns server to this? I don't find buttons to create new spaces hosting or modify existing ones.</span>
<span lang="en">I'm sorry, but believing that he had not published my response I have more posts Posted equal</span>
When your logged in as serveradmin you go to Account menu --> Hosting Plans
You there create your hosting plan. (make sure domains is allowed in System section and DNS editing enabled in DNS section).
You then create a User under Account menu --> Customers
Assign the hosting plan you created. (you can auto deploy domain and website).
Assuming your DNS Service is configured properly (in configuration --> Servers ) this should then create the DNS records in your MS DNS.