When I try to crete a hosting space I receive this error
Just before of this error, I was able to create, hosting spaces, organizations, mailboxes and import mailboxes.
After these tests, I decide to delete users tests with hostings spaces and hosting planes in order to creat the users asociated to my current webpanel
Now I am not able to create hosting spaces.
I've tried tu uninstall from the server the Solid CP Enterprise Server 1.4.2- I've create again the servers and virtual server but I get the same error
Could you please help me?
I don't know whats happened
Now without do anything, I see the hosting plan has been created
If I try now to create a new organization I receive this error
Before this, I tried to create a hosting spaced trying withi other domain pruebadomain2.es but I receive the error sent in my first question
If I go inside the sql tables I see two domains has been created
But in solidcp panel I only see the first one I tried to add. (pruebadom.es)
I've been doing some testing and it's very weird. Sometimes it let me to create a hosting space and sometimes no
Organization never let me to creat
I don't know what to do
unfortunately an unknown error is not really usefull to debug.
I would check event viewer for the exchange shell log, solidcp log and the application logs to see what it's trying to do and where it's receiving an error or warning.
(most of what solidcp executes lands into the event viewer of windows).
Now, I don't know but it's working
In my enviroment there are two servers but in this momemt i've configurate solidcp virtual servers with only one server
Now I see another behaviour. When I create a custemer cliente, It shows the window for creating the hosting plan. My surprise now is that the organizacion is created automaticaly and it's not possible now to write the organization code