We are unable to setup forwarding of email to shared Mailboxes. IE a users email needs to be forwarded to a shared mailbox.
When hitting the address book button , the Include in search area includes Mailboxes, Rooms, Equipment, Contacts and Distribution lists.
Is this by design ? I am able to do this via the ECP (I am assuming this is just a filter issue ?)
We are running v1.1.0 (I have looked at the release notes for 1.1.1 and don't see a fix for our issue listed) and Exchange 2013 Cu13
I have upgraded to 1.1.1 still having the same issue. Is this known ? Is it by design ?
No it's not by design, it's simply not fixed yet (as there's a massive list of issues, bad code, bugs, feature requests, etc inherited from WebsitePanel, we do things step by step.)
I made a fix for it today, however it affects database, enterprise, and portal.
So i will schedule a subversion beta 1.1.2 for this weekend which you can easily download + update with the automatic update powershell.
once applied Shared Mailbox will be search / select able just like rooms / equipment etc (so proper implementation, as i noticed in the code it was only half implemented, this is why the changes affect database, enterprise, and portal).
Perfect thank you.
Will there be a manual update option (the powershell script doesn't work for us due to mirrored databases and the portal being on a separate server to the enterprise server)
Once again thanks