I am getting the following error in v1.4.2 SolidCP-StandaloneServer and installer roll backs.
Please help.
[11/18/2018 5:11:15 PM] START: Running installer SolidCP.Setup.StandaloneServerSetup142.Install from C:Program Files (x86)SolidCP InstallerTmpsetupsetup.dll
[11/18/2018 5:11:18 PM] INFO: Setup wizard loaded.
[11/18/2018 5:11:19 PM] INFO: IntroductionPage loaded.
[11/18/2018 5:11:21 PM] INFO: LicenseAgreementPage loaded.
[11/18/2018 5:11:22 PM] INFO: ConfigurationCheckPage loaded.
[11/18/2018 5:11:22 PM] INFO: OS check: Windows Server 2012 x64
[11/18/2018 5:11:22 PM] INFO: IIS check: IIS 8.5
[11/18/2018 5:11:22 PM] INFO: ASP.NET check: ASP.NET 4.0 is installed.
[11/18/2018 5:11:22 PM] ERROR: Site bindings check: Site with specified bindings already exists (ip:, port: 9003, domain: )
[11/18/2018 5:11:22 PM] ERROR: Site bindings check: Site with specified bindings already exists (ip:, port: 9002, domain: )
[11/18/2018 5:11:46 PM] INFO: Setup wizard closed.
[11/18/2018 5:11:46 PM] INFO: Installer returned Cancel
[11/18/2018 5:11:46 PM] END: Installer finished
[11/18/2018 5:11:48 PM] START: Loading list of available components
[11/18/2018 5:11:48 PM] END: Available components loaded
[11/18/2018 5:11:51 PM] START: Loading list of available components
[11/18/2018 5:11:51 PM] END: Available components loaded
[11/18/2018 5:11:53 PM] INFO: Tmp directory created
[11/18/2018 5:11:53 PM] START: Downloading file
[11/18/2018 5:11:53 PM] INFO: Downloading file "~/Files/1.4.2/SolidCP-StandaloneServerSetup.zip" to "C:Program Files (x86)SolidCP InstallerTmpSolidCP-StandaloneServerSetup.zip"
[11/18/2018 5:13:37 PM] END: Downloaded 88584483 bytes
[11/18/2018 5:13:37 PM] START: Unzipping file
[11/18/2018 5:13:37 PM] INFO: Unzipping file "C:Program Files (x86)SolidCP InstallerDataSolidCP-StandaloneServerSetup.zip" to the folder "C:Program Files (x86)SolidCP InstallerTmp"
[11/18/2018 5:13:59 PM] END: Unzipped file
[11/18/2018 5:13:59 PM] START: Running installer SolidCP.Setup.StandaloneServerSetup142.Install from C:Program Files (x86)SolidCP InstallerTmpsetupsetup.dll
[11/18/2018 5:14:01 PM] INFO: Setup wizard loaded.
[11/18/2018 5:14:02 PM] INFO: IntroductionPage loaded.
[11/18/2018 5:14:06 PM] INFO: LicenseAgreementPage loaded.
[11/18/2018 5:14:08 PM] INFO: ConfigurationCheckPage loaded.
[11/18/2018 5:14:08 PM] INFO: OS check: Windows Server 2012 x64
[11/18/2018 5:14:08 PM] INFO: IIS check: IIS 8.5
[11/18/2018 5:14:08 PM] INFO: ASP.NET check: ASP.NET 4.0 is installed.
[11/18/2018 5:14:10 PM] INFO: WebPage loaded.
[11/18/2018 5:14:10 PM] START: Loading IPs
[11/18/2018 5:14:10 PM] END: Loaded IPs
[11/18/2018 5:14:16 PM] INFO: DatabasePage loaded.
[11/18/2018 5:14:44 PM] INFO: Sql server "localhostsqlexpress" selected for SolidCP Enterprise Server
[11/18/2018 5:14:44 PM] INFO: ServerAdminPasswordPage loaded.
[11/18/2018 5:15:04 PM] INFO: ExpressInstallPage2 loaded.
[11/18/2018 5:15:04 PM] START: Copying files...
[11/18/2018 5:15:04 PM] INFO: Copying files from "C:Program Files (x86)SolidCP InstallerTmpServer" to "C:SolidCPServer"
[11/18/2018 5:15:05 PM] START: Updating configuration file (server password)
[11/18/2018 5:15:05 PM] INFO: Single quotes are added for clarity purposes
[11/18/2018 5:15:05 PM] START: Creating Windows user account...
[11/18/2018 5:15:05 PM] INFO: Creating Windows user account "SCPServer"
[11/18/2018 5:15:08 PM] END: Created windows user account
[11/18/2018 5:15:08 PM] START: Setting 'Modify' permission for 'C:WindowsTEMP' folder for 'S-1-5-20' account
[11/18/2018 5:15:09 PM] END: Set security permissions
[11/18/2018 5:15:09 PM] START: Configuring folder permissions...
[11/18/2018 5:15:09 PM] END: NTFS permissions has been applied to the application folder...
[11/18/2018 5:15:10 PM] START: Creating application pool
[11/18/2018 5:15:10 PM] INFO: Creating application pool "SolidCP Server Pool"
[11/18/2018 5:15:10 PM] ERROR: Failed to execute 'SolidCP.Setup.Actions.CreateWebApplicationPoolAction' type of action.
[11/18/2018 5:15:10 PM] ERROR: Here is the original exception...
System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
at Microsoft.Web.Administration.Interop.AppHostWritableAdminManager.CommitChanges()
at Microsoft.Web.Administration.ConfigurationManager.CommitChanges()
at Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager.CommitChanges()
at SolidCP.Setup.Actions.CreateWebApplicationPoolAction.SolidCP.Setup.Actions.IInstallAction.Run(SetupVariables vars)
at SolidCP.Setup.Actions.BaseActionManager.Start()
It seems to fail to create the Application pool inside IIS.
Can you verify the application pool name is not already present in IIS?
I have confirmed that “SolidCP Server Pool” does not exist before installation. Only the default IIS pools exist.