Your getting the access denied message when the Exchange powershell url isn't local.
External virtual powershell permissions are alot more complex to apply then the local one (i personally never got that to work).
So the most easy way is: install SolidCP Server on the exchange 2016 CAS --> in the SolidCP Portal change the connection settings of the existing exchange 2013 server --> since you already flipped over the provider ID you should be more or less set.
Hey Marco,
Thanks for the reply.
It took me some time testing but your advice worked.
The reason for doing lots of testing is because I don't quite understand the behaviour of setting the powershell directory in SolidCP.
Unders Servers -> Hosted Exchange -> Powershell URL
No matter what I put in that field, it doesn't appear to do anything. What I mean is I purposely input an incorrect URL. It does not cause things to break.
I'm glad the advice worked out 🙂
For the powershell url:
- make sure it's only used in specific area's most aspects still make use of AD Directly without Exchange PS
- Make sure the url / auth can be cached, so an IIS Reset on the Exchange server with SolidCP Server on it will clear the already established connection (or in some cases broken auth connection).