I believe this is what my error is - I will remove this and try again - thx
If you use Virtual servers (configuration – virtual servers) – DNS Section – ONLY add the server you want to be primary (Master) do not add additional secondaries.
Thanks - that seemd to work - now my records are not propogating to the Secondary server because the
Allow Zone transfers is set to Only the following server
If I change this to Only to servers listed on the Name Servers tab - it works
Is this an option?? Or do I need to get it to work with the "Only to the following servers" option
Works - if I use the public IP
Allow Zone transfers is set to Only the following server
All good I think....
For SolidCP you only have the option to allow specific ip's to copy.
Most easy is to allow a test zone to copy (by allowing all or similar via msdns mmc), and then check the DNS logs which ip is being used to copy to secondary
(it's usually an issue with adding the wrong ip to the "Allow Zone Transfers: type IP of secondary DNS Server here." section in the SolidCP Portal - configuration --> servers --> Primary dns provider settings)