Unsuspend Exchnage ...
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Unsuspend Exchnage 2016 from whmcs

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When i suspend from WHMCS an Exchange 2016 subscription all the users in Exchange 2016 gets disabled immediately.

When i unsuspend the subscription in WHMCS the Exchange Mailboxes  stays disabled.


Is this by design or by failure
In the Eventlog i see the following error when i UNSUSPEND
[4/10/2017 11:33:23 AM] ERROR: HostedSolution Error deleting 'testrhea' Organization
System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryServicesCOMException (0x80072035): The server is unwilling to process the request.

On whmcs module log i see a status of 0 after the action unsuspendaccount
[whmcsVersion] => 6.3.1-release.1
[accountid] => 120
[serviceid] => 120
[userid] => 9
[domain] => XXXXXXXXXXXX
[username] => XXXXXXXXXXXX
[password] => XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[packageid] => 148
[pid] => 148
[serverid] => 3
[status] => Suspended
[type] => hostingaccount
[producttype] => hostingaccount
[moduletype] => SolidCP
[configoption1] => Hosted Exchange Hosting Plan
[configoption2] => 0
[configoption3] => 0
[configoption4] => 2
[configoption5] => 1
[configoption6] =>
[configoption7] => https://XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[configoption8] => on
[configoption9] => on
[configoption10] =>
[configoption11] =>
[configoption12] =>
[configoption13] => on
[configoption14] =>
[configoption15] => on
[configoption16] =>
[configoption17] => on
[configoption18] =>
[configoption19] =>
[configoption20] =>
[configoption21] =>
[configoption22] =>
[configoption23] =>
[configoption24] =>
[customfields] => Array

[configoptions] => Array
[Postfach 10GB] => 0
[Postfach 100GB] => 0
[Resourcen Postfach] => 1
[Shared Postfach 5GB] => 0

[clientsdetails] => Array
[userid] => 9
[id] => 9
[uuid] => 4db04aad-6867-4e2a-9b1f-ae78aa4e44ff
[firstname] => rolandtest
[lastname] => heimgartner
[fullname] => rolandtest heimgartner
[companyname] => hics
[email] => roland.heimgartner@hics .ch
[address1] => sdfds
[address2] =>
[city] => sdfsd
[fullstate] => dd
[state] => dd
[postcode] => 5443
[countrycode] => CH
[country] => CH
[phonenumber] =>
[password] => $2y$10$Y7irQY10JdV/.P48L4nni.k/Bhvt9Wd8OSnBxkkrJpXmixBVyNNp6
[statecode] => dd
[countryname] => Schweiz
[phonecc] => 41
[phonenumberformatted] =>
[billingcid] => 0
[notes] =>
[twofaenabled] =>
[currency] => 1
[defaultgateway] =>
[cctype] =>
[cclastfour] =>
[securityqid] => 0
[securityqans] =>
[groupid] => 0
[status] => Active
[credit] => 0.00
[taxexempt] =>
[latefeeoveride] =>
[overideduenotices] =>
[separateinvoices] =>
[disableautocc] =>
[emailoptout] =>
[overrideautoclose] =>
[allowSingleSignOn] => 1
[language] => en_US
[lastlogin] => No Login Logged
[customfields1] =>
[customfields] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 1
[value] =>

[1] => Array
[id] => 22
[value] =>

[2] => Array
[id] => 42
[value] => Per E-Mail

[3] => Array
[id] => 43
[value] =>


[customfields2] =>
[customfields3] => Per E-Mail
[customfields4] =>

[server] => 1
[serverip] =>
[serverhostname] => mailpanel.CXXXXXX
[serverusername] => serveradmin
[serverpassword] => XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[serveraccesshash] =>
[serversecure] => on
[serverhttpprefix] => https
[serverport] => 9004
[action] => unsuspend

3 Replies
Posts: 80
Joined: 8 years ago

Hi Roland,

unfortunatelly it's "by design" right now. Because it's not tracked which users where enabled before suspending a hosting space, it's not possible to enable only the previous enabled users when unsuspending.

I will discuss it with the SolidCP management, if this kind of tracking should be done in SolidCP or if I should create a kind of workaround for it in the WHMCS module.

Best regards


Posts: 80
Joined: 8 years ago

Hi Roland,

I've discussed this issue with Marco and this should be done in SolidCP. Therefore I have created a new enhancement in git:  https://git.key4ce.com/SolidCP/v2/issues/74

Best regards


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Joined: 8 years ago

Thanks for taking this into a future request
