Yuriy Adamovych
Eminent Member
Joined: Jun 21, 2016
Topics: 2 / Replies: 21
Answer: Feedback Wanted…

Thank you for your huge success! I would be very happy if you provide more options for SharePoint site collection, for example "Sharing, Owners, Re...

8 years ago
Comment: Lets encrypt??

Hi Michel, I noticed new setting for LetsEncrypt in new version 1.1.1, could you explain how it works?

8 years ago
Answer: Create new Exchange organization failed

Yes, you are right the problem was with primary public folder. It is my new installation of Exchange 2016 and I forgot to configure public folder mas...

8 years ago
Answer: Create new Exchange organization failed

Marco Tiggelaar answer: that being said: I think it fails over CreateOrganizationRootPublicFolder there’s usually a few things i would check: Do...

8 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 972
Answer: parser error after 1.1.0 update

Hello SolidCP Team, I have an issue when I tried to create Exchange organization in SolidCP. System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was...

8 years ago
8 years ago
Answer: parser error after 1.1.0 update

Hello Marco, After update portal I could open site collection page, but "Update Add Site Collection" button has not worked.

8 years ago
Answer: SolidCP Auto Upgrade Script – PowerShell

I did all configuration from solidcp manuals, also I configured machine key as well, but your last fix script helped. But I have another issue when I...

8 years ago
Answer: parser error after 1.1.0 update

Hi, I have an issue when I want to create new site collection in SharePoint component. <div style="height:300px;overflow:auto;">Control '~/Desk...

8 years ago
Comment: SolidCP Auto Upgrade Script – PowerShell

I fixed this issue, just move lines "ConfigSection" ... "/ConfigSection" to the top of web.config file. Now my SolidCP is working, thank you team for ...

8 years ago
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