Otong Akan
Eminent Member
Joined: May 5, 2017
Topics: 3 / Replies: 26
Answer: IP address error

Thanks, I've added the IIS settings, but still can't create a website. Still giving the same error. Any help? Regards. Otong

8 years ago
8 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1809
Answer: Creating Hosting spaces

Okay, I've done it successfully. Regards

8 years ago
Answer: Creating Hosting spaces

Done that, but can't seem to see where to add Hard disk space, domains, ftp accounts, etc for the user and hosting space

8 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 2158
Answer: Server error

Hostname server, Database, UserID and Password are exactly as it is in the web.config file as well as the App pool

8 years ago
Answer: Server error

I sent 2 screenshots, the 1st one is the connection as SolidCP user, while the second is the SHOW SYSTEM_USER command run in SQL as well as the result...

8 years ago
Answer: Server error

I was able to login to the SQL Management Studio as both the SolidCP user and Admin user as specified in the config file

8 years ago
Answer: Server error

Screenshot of the SQL Server with Solid CP Database  

8 years ago
Answer: Server error

Good Day, How can I correct the database connection error, because clearly, the SCPPortal cannot connect to the server database

8 years ago
Answer: Server error

Confirmed. I tried downloading the Zip files but was unable To see the setup installer so I used the msi installer direct from solidcp.com

8 years ago
Answer: Server error

still waiting for your response

8 years ago
Answer: Server error

I have done that several times and was unable to uninstall the user account SolidCPPortal and SCPEnterprise, so i had to create other accounts SolidCP...

8 years ago
Answer: Server error

that's it attached

8 years ago
Answer: Server error

here are the application pools.....started

8 years ago
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