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Joined: Oct 15, 2016
Topics: 18 / Replies: 35
5 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 867
Answer: cannot create email accts since 1.4.4 upgrade.

where is the 1.4.5 beta located? As in the manual install zip and also the installer?

5 years ago
Answer: ASPNET Core

We have seen in some situations where leaving the appPool set does not work. I would also have to say it is a performance drain if the appPool is not ...

6 years ago
Answer: No Managed Code application pool option

I can confirm that with dotnet core 2.0 web hosting installer that you can leave the framework setting set. Our code ran without issue.

7 years ago
Answer: Error executing scheduled task

Marco / Trevor - We have figured out what the issue is. The job scheduler is working and running that error only happens for URL that are using The...

7 years ago
Answer: Error executing scheduled task

We are using the normal install of windows with the gui, no issue there. We do not see anything in the event logs either under app or system or und...

7 years ago
Answer: Error executing scheduled task

on the server that hosts the portal, enterprice and scheduler I don't see anything in the normal application or system event logs. There is no solicp...

7 years ago
Answer: Error executing scheduled task

I know that is a stack trace, any other debugging we can turn on. For a sec thought TLS 1.0 being disabled caused this issue, but turned that back on...

7 years ago
Answer: Error executing scheduled task

I have confirmed the connection string and cipher key are the same between the two configs.

7 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 1660
Answer: .net Core and PHP 7

did this get added to 1.2.1?

8 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 958
Answer: ASPNET Core

Looks like there isn't too much to do with this base on westwinds..... possible need to map a handler for this, but I am thinking this alread...

8 years ago
8 years ago
Replies: 11
Views: 4085
Replies: 3
Views: 2171
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