Eminent Member
Joined: Oct 26, 2016
Last seen: Jan 11, 2022
Topics: 6 / Replies: 14
RE: Web Application Gallery is no longer supported in SolidCP, user cannot install any aplications?

I could be wrong but I believe that the web application gallery came from the microsoft web platform and since that has been discontinued, solidcp wou...

3 years ago
Answer: Error ‘Windows Server 2016’ GetGroupNtfsPermissions System.ArgumentNullException

Everything else works creation of sites, and management of them, just not file security management. I tried changing the authentication type to secur...

4 years ago
Answer: Error ‘Windows Server 2016’ GetGroupNtfsPermissions System.ArgumentNullException

Still having this issue with a single server. No idea why, anyone have any clues. I have made sure all powershell modules (AD and Group Policies) are ...

4 years ago
Answer: Error When Checking Permissions on File Manager

I'm getting this error in SolidCP 1.4.7 in a AD environment. It just started happening to 1 server out of a dozen. ERROR: 'Windows Server 2016' GetGr...

4 years ago
Answer: Generated CSR is blank – Cannot remove from pending state from solidcp

Didn't see anything in the event logs beyond the following Could not retrieve Web Deploy key from the registry System.NullReferenceException: Object ...

5 years ago
Answer: Generated CSR is blank – Cannot remove from pending state from solidcp

I am running into the same problem, if I manually go to IIS directly I can complete the cert and bind it, so the CSR is still there just not showing u...

5 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1439
Answer: DNS Secondard server only using External IP in Masters server list, want it to add internal IP also.

Thanks man I was typing what I figured out as I received your rely. Macro your the best thank your for your help. So far I'm really love 1.2.x I have ...

8 years ago
Answer: DNS Secondard server only using External IP in Masters server list, want it to add internal IP also.

Ok figured out an option, Added an additional IP address, just the internal IP address and then added it to the Listening IP addresses for the Primary...

8 years ago
Answer: DNS Secondard server only using External IP in Masters server list, want it to add internal IP also.

This is set correctly, and its not the Primary DNS service thats having the problem, its the Secondary. When the Secondary Zone is created its only ad...

8 years ago
Answer: Creating a new server cluster and getting this error when adding a website

Figured out the answer I had made some fixed before making the test customer, and those changes didn't apply until making a new test customer. With th...

8 years ago
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