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Joined: Jun 6, 2016
Topics: 5 / Replies: 20
Answer: Plans for Clean Install with import users from WSP?

Here you can see the full error message:

9 years ago
Comment: Plans for Clean Install with import users from WSP?

So, i've tried to do it like described in the video but it's still not working. To create the customer is no prob. But after I try to create the Host...

9 years ago
Comment: Plans for Clean Install with import users from WSP?

Hey Marco, I'm impressed! You are the best! I'll try it later on today. thanks a lot! 🙂

9 years ago
Answer: Plans for Clean Install with import users from WSP?

Hey Marco, some news regarding a documentation for the enterprise import tool? Or maybe someone else who could use the tool with success? I've trie...

9 years ago
9 years ago
Comment: Plans for Clean Install with import users from WSP?

If you could do a small pdf slide or video, I would really appreciate this. I'll stay tuned 🙂

9 years ago
Answer: Uninstall / Settings Button in SolidCP Installer not working. SolidCP Installer has stopped working

I've tried with your update files but still same problem. I have the problem on every server I've installed. Not only one server. Forgot to tell: All...

9 years ago
Comment: Plans for Clean Install with import users from WSP?

Hi, yes everything looks fine. Just checked again. I can create customer, hosting spaces, mailboxes,... Perhaps I haven't the right procedure to impo...

9 years ago
Answer: Plans for Clean Install with import users from WSP?

Hey, I'm still in trouble and do not understand how to import the user from my old websitepanel installation to my new solidcp installation. I really ...

9 years ago
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