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Joined: Nov 18, 2016
8 years ago
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Views: 1088
Answer: SolidCP v1.2.0 release delay
Do what you gotta do 🙂 We'd rather see a stable sweet product rather than a horrible buggy one. Also can you guys slip in a feature to make ...
8 years ago
8 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1857
Answer: In efforts to secure my folders and share them across the network, I screwed up something with the permissions
Nevermind, got it 🙂 Renamed your hostingspaces directory, and created a new space and it made the directory with the proper permissions and I was abl...
8 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 918
Answer: What is Remote Web Management?
Just wanted to play with it to even see what it was or how it works.
8 years ago
Answer: What is Remote Web Management?
I've installed everything under roles that says management under IIS, even the 6.0 management. Still nothing changing under your tab for web manageme...
8 years ago
Answer: Can’t install wordpress
ndricim can you please elaborate on your fix? I'm having almost the same issue you are. I can even create databases and users in the control panel jus...
8 years ago