Eminent Member
Joined: Apr 12, 2016
Topics: 4 / Replies: 16
Answer: Minor default on the forum

Hy everybody, and for my questions ? i apologyze but i was more polished than dolphyn5 and anyone had take time to answer to my query 🙁

8 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 2187
Answer: Error during updating Organization Password Policy settings

Hello Trevor, i've same bug with the 1.1.2 version. Do you confirm that the bug will be resolve with the 1.2.0 ?

8 years ago
Answer: SolidCP v1.2.0 release delay

It seems great 🙂 Not that we can already test them.

8 years ago
Answer: SolidCP v1.2.0 release delay

Hy Trevor, have you some informations about the news features ? Eric

8 years ago
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