Your guide could use some refining, however everything works from the active directory side. 1: I have a sub OU in my HostedClients called testorg (t...
I was lucky that the pw was on one of the nameservers, I can now verify that if you run the current installer on an Exch2016 then take the beta server...
I have updated the server software on both mail, and the panel server, I now have this issue: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHeaderException: Sys...
Yep provider 92 exists, I ran the update script prior to trying this out, I'm placing the test users in a separate MailDB while going the beta updates...
Well I can tell you for sure in a few hours. Is there a way we could be involved in the testing process for you guys? You can contact me directly vi...
Thanks for the quick response! No sweat mate, I have followed you guys since websitepanel went offline, cant do everything at once. Top effort to get...