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Joined: May 16, 2016
Last seen: Feb 17, 2025
Topics: 22 / Replies: 29
RE: Exchange memberof property taking 10 minutes to load values

Wouldn't it be considerably less resource intensive to just read the active directory property "membersof" and return the results of the lists that ar...

4 weeks ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1006
Answer: MemberOf takes a long time to load

Just checking if there is any update on this one in the most recent version 1.4.3 I did not see anything in the changelog to indicate this has been lo...

6 years ago
Answer: Exchange Module Bug: Retention Policy tag modification defaults retention period to 1 day

SolidCP version 1.4.2 Confirmed. Able to reproduce. Add new tag age limit for retention set to 365. Sets default value to 1. Modify an existing tag...

6 years ago
Answer: Exchange Module Bug: Retention Policy tag modification defaults retention period to 1 day

This is what appears to be happening. When a retention policy was modified it would set the default retention limit to 1 day, and write that to the da...

6 years ago
Answer: Exchange Module Bug: Retention Policy tag modification defaults retention period to 1 day

To go a step further its not updating the database values. So its setting all of them to 1 day when a change is made.

6 years ago
Answer: 1.4.2 Exchange Module Mailbox Mailflow Settings Generates error

Update on this, on a test server with a new installation of SolidCP 1.4.2 this does appear to be an issue. I installed a from the installer, removed ...

6 years ago
Answer: Contact primarySMTPAddress causing mail routing issue.

The guid was a unique identifier and not likely to collide with a common user name, say jsmith, croberts or jdoe if you will. Its really that a lot of...

6 years ago
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