I Made Dwi S
Active Member
Joined: Aug 3, 2017
Topics: 5 / Replies: 7
Replies: 1
Views: 1623
Answer: Error when opening SpaceHome

Hi,   How about this issue status ?I'm getting an error like this. Is there anyone can solve this issue ?   Thank you Best...

7 years ago
Answer: Error System menu after upgrade from MSPcontrol to SolidCP

Hi,   Here is the detail error that I'm getting (attached file) and I don't know exactly that error .   Thank you Best Reg...

7 years ago
Answer: Have no database and user count sql server 2016

Hi,   I have fixed by added data in the table for MsSQL2016.   Thanks for your help Regards

7 years ago
Answer: Have no database and user count sql server 2016

Hi, I've checked in [dbo].[Quotas] and couldn't find MsSQL2016 in the table, I just found MsSQL2000 , MsSQL2005 ,MsSQL2008 , Ms...

7 years ago
Answer: Error after upgrade MSPcontrol to SolidCP (Hosting Plans menu)

Hi,   I was trying to run this query also, but an error still exist. Can you give me another query that should I try ? I got this err...

7 years ago
Answer: Error after upgrade MSPcontrol to SolidCP (Hosting Plans menu)

Hi Trevor,   Thanks for your quick replied. I have ran and the query was completed, but I'm still getting an error like before. Is th...

7 years ago
Answer: asp.net error after upgrading errors from MSPControl

Hi, I'm getting an error after upgraded and followed these instructions : these errors : SolidCP ERROR if you receive this error and the server ...

7 years ago