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Joined: Mar 31, 2016
Topics: 14 / Replies: 46
Answer: LetsEncrypt Certificate Generation Error

Perfect! Worked on the other servers as well.   Thanks all

8 years ago
Answer: LetsEncrypt Certificate Generation Error

OK great news! The steps Sebastian worked - Thanks for that My question in the last comment, just make sure the Server password is the same and n...

8 years ago
Answer: LetsEncrypt Certificate Generation Error

Thanks I will give it a try. Q. If I remove the server component how does that affect the existing configuration (i.e. Do I have to re-configure IIS...

8 years ago
Answer: LetsEncrypt Certificate Generation Error

More info from the SCP Event Log on the OS: I had some issues with the upgrade to 1.2 so ended up upgrading manually (DB, EnterpriseServer, Server,...

8 years ago
Answer: LetsEncrypt Certificate Generation Error

Yes exactly like that: %SYSTEMDRIVE%ProgramDataACMESharpvaultProfiles The web server is Windows 2012 R2 Core - Do you think that would make a differe...

8 years ago
Replies: 12
Views: 3185
Answer: Creating SQL Databases – 2 questions

Well you live and learn 🙂 Marco: Any reason why this is available for MSSQL but not MySQL?

8 years ago
Answer: Creating SQL Databases – 2 questions

Hi, I don't believe this is possible in SCP. This is governed by the SQL installation default user database directory. You can change it as per ...

8 years ago
Answer: Portable Redirect

Hi, I have had a think about your situation regarding the redirect for admin.customerdomain.com to the SolidCP portal and I think I have a way that w...

8 years ago
Answer: Portable Redirect

Hi, Yes, you can install the portal on to another server and remove the existing one however this would not resolve your initial query as the binding...

8 years ago
Answer: Portable Redirect

Hi, I think that the only way to achieve this is to create DNS records for each customer of admin.[DOMAIN] with the IP of your SCP Portal, ...

8 years ago
Answer: Installation Problem

Can you navigate to the IP you specified during setup (either IP of server or and the ports specified locally: (i.e. Check the bindings in ...

8 years ago
Answer: SolidCP Speed

Out of curiosity is there any specific reason for SQL 2008 and not 2014 Express?

8 years ago
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