When I add a new user i get a red banner with -1 as the error message, everything was working fine a few days ago.
You will want to check the audit log and the machine running the Hosted Orgs eventlog for any errors.
It sounds like it could be a duplicate user or somebody has already made a contact for the same user.
Kind Regards,
Trevor Robinson
Thx for the swift reply, I thought of that as well but I have tried several obscure usernames and checked the activedirectory for matching users.
Where is the audit log, that might give me a better idea?
The Auditlog is located under the Account Menu.
Kind Regards,
Trevor Robinson
I get a value cannot be null error in the audit log, very useful option.
Server was unable to process request. ---> Can not create 'Hosted Organizations' provider instance with 'SolidCP.Providers.HostedSolution.OrganizationProvider, SolidCP.Providers.HostedSolution' type ---> Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: type
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at SolidCP.Providers.HostedSolution.Organizations.DoesSamAccountNameExist(String accountName)
at SolidCP.EnterpriseServer.OrganizationController.BuildAccountName(String orgId, String name, Int32 ServiceId)
at SolidCP.EnterpriseServer.OrganizationController.CreateUser(Int32 itemId, String displayName, String name, String domain, String password, String subscriberNumber, Boolean enabled, Boolean sendNotification, String to, String& accountName)