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[Solved] Can't Create Exchange Mailbox All of The Sudden

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Hey Guys,

I hope someone can assist?
I'm getting the below message when we try to create an exchange mailbox. And I am unsure what's causing it. The error reporting is very confusing...

Error creating mailbox. See audit log for more details.

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.Exception: Error executing 'CREATE_MAILBOX' task on 'test test' EXCHANGE ---> System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.Exception: Could not enable mail user '' at SolidCP.Providers.HostedSolution.Exchange2019.CreateMailEnableUserInternal(String upn, String organizationId, String organizationDistinguishedName, String securityGroup, String organizationDomain, ExchangeAccountType accountType, String mailboxDatabase, String offlineAddressBook, String addressBookPolicy, String accountName, Boolean enablePOP, Boolean enableIMAP, Boolean enableOWA, Boolean enableMAPI, Boolean enableActiveSync, Int64 issueWarningKB, Int64 prohibitSendKB, Int64 prohibitSendReceiveKB, Int32 keepDeletedItemsDays, Int32 maxRecipients, Int32 maxSendMessageSizeKB, Int32 maxReceiveMessageSizeKB, Boolean hideFromAddressBook, Boolean IsConsumer, Boolean enabledLitigationHold, Int64 recoverabelItemsSpace, Int64 recoverabelItemsWarning) at SolidCP.Server.ExchangeServer.CreateMailEnableUser(String upn, String organizationId, String organizationDistinguishedName, String securityGroup, String organizationDomain, ExchangeAccountType accountType, String mailboxDatabase, String offlineAddressBook, String addressBookPolicy, String accountName, Boolean enablePOP, Boolean enableIMAP, Boolean enableOWA, Boolean enableMAPI, Boolean enableActiveSync, Int64 issueWarningKB, Int64 prohibitSendKB, Int64 prohibitSendReceiveKB, Int32 keepDeletedItemsDays, Int32 maxRecipients, Int32 maxSendMessageSizeKB, Int32 maxReceiveMessageSizeKB, Boolean hideFromAddressBook, Boolean isConsumer, Boolean enabledLitigationHold, Int64 recoverabelItemsSpace, Int64 recoverabelItemsWarning) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters) at SolidCP.Providers.Exchange.ExchangeServer.CreateMailEnableUser(String upn, String organizationId, String organizationDistinguishedName, String securityGroup, String organizationDomain, ExchangeAccountType accountType, String mailboxDatabase, String offlineAddressBook, String addressBookPolicy, String accountName, Boolean enablePOP, Boolean enableIMAP, Boolean enableOWA, Boolean enableMAPI, Boolean enableActiveSync, Int64 issueWarningKB, Int64 prohibitSendKB, Int64 prohibitSendReceiveKB, Int32 keepDeletedItemsDays, Int32 maxRecipients, Int32 maxSendMessageSizeKB, Int32 maxReceiveMessageSizeKB, Boolean hideFromAddressBook, Boolean isConsumer, Boolean enabledLitigationHold, Int64 recoverabelItemsSpace, Int64 recoverabelItemsWarning) at SolidCP.EnterpriseServer.ExchangeServerController.CreateMailbox(Int32 itemId, Int32 accountId, ExchangeAccountType accountType, String accountName, String displayName, String name, String domain, String password, Boolean sendSetupInstructions, String setupInstructionMailAddress, Int32 mailboxPlanId, Int32 archivedPlanId, String subscriberNumber, Boolean EnableArchiving) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at SolidCP.EnterpriseServer.ExchangeServerController.CreateMailbox(Int32 itemId, Int32 accountId, ExchangeAccountType accountType, String accountName, String displayName, String name, String domain, String password, Boolean sendSetupInstructions, String setupInstructionMailAddress, Int32 mailboxPlanId, Int32 archivedPlanId, String subscriberNumber, Boolean EnableArchiving) at SolidCP.EnterpriseServer.esExchangeServer.CreateMailbox(Int32 itemId, Int32 accountId, ExchangeAccountType accountType, String accountName, String displayName, String name, String domain, String password, Boolean sendSetupInstructions, String setupInstructionMailAddress, Int32 mailboxPlanId, Int32 archivedPlanId, String subscriberNumber, Boolean EnableArchiving) --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

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Did you get this resolved?

I would advise loading the eventlog on the effected server and under Application -> SolidCP seeing if it logs a more detailed error.



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Posts: 39

Hey @trobinson yes I actually did. I was running out of space, and the provisioning was disabled. I added another 2 DB's and the issue was resolved 🙂

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i have the same problem, and i have enough free space , .provisioning on all mailbox are enabled.

ive created a new question with logs attached but for some reason moderator is not approving it.
