I have change the hosting spaces path from C:/HostingSpace to E:/data/hostingspace in "server" - "OS"
But when I try to create a website in solidCP, it still create the folder in the old path (C:) instead of new path (E:)
Is there any other settings left I need to set in order to make it work?
Can you tell me how it is not working? I know many people have used this feature with no problem.
Kind Regards,
Trevor Robinson
SolidCP default hostingspace path is C:HostingSpaces, I changed to E:DataHostingSpaces in the SolidCP setting
Configuration -> Servers -> OS -> Server Settings -> Hosting Spaces Folder
Default : "%SYSTEM....%HostingSpaces"
Current : "E:DataHostingSpaces"
When I create a website e.g. sample.com, it should create a folder in "E:DataHostingSpacesadminsample.com", according to the path I have set in the setting. But it still creates in "C:HostingSpacesadminsample.com" instead.
If the hosting space has been created before you changed the hosting space location then the setting will not take effect on the hosting space. This is to ensure that the hosting space is in the same location and you don't have the hosting space in 2 locations at the same time.
Kind Regards,
Trevor Robinson
I see. As there has no such option to change the hosting space path during the installation thus it default to C: drive.
If I wish to move to E: drive, another path, how can I do it? Can I have your advice is there any walkaround to do this?