I am attempting to confirm if Solidcp manages the fcgiext.ini for per site configurations of php. I don't see the file created on my server and would like know if I am just missing something in my server configuration. Or do I need to create this file manually for my server every time a new site is created?
I was under the impression that web-deploy would have managed this when called by solidcp.
Any insight would be great, I could likely create a scheduled task to script the entries per the Microsoft documentation, but I would prefer if I didn't need to.
We dont use fcgiext.ini to manage any websites. When PHP is changed we use the IIS ServerManager interface to change it inside the applicationHost.config with PHPManager.
Thank you for the reply. I apologize because that still leaves me asking how do I managed PHP for individual account settings. IIS shows the configuration file it is referencing as the default install location vs a unique ini file stored in the users website or folder path.
I would like to be able to manage temp directories for isolation and other values that should be unique. Is there a way to support this?
SolidCP doesnt have any options for individual account settings for PHP. You should use the .user.ini as described in https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/iis/application-frameworks/install-and-configure-php-on-iis/enable-per-site-php-configuration-on-iis-60-and-iis-7-and-above#enable-the-user-defined-ini-files to allow per site settings.