When I attempt to approve an order in WHMCS, and force it to run auto-setup, I get the following error: Module Create Failed - Service ID: 1 - Error: CreateAccount Fault: (Code: -111, Message: Fault: An unknown error occured (Code: -111). Please reference SolidCP BusinessErrorCodes for further information, Service ID: 1)
I've tried looking online for the SolidCP BusinessErrorCodes but I haven't found any documentation on them. Help would be appreciated. Thanks 😀
Ok. I found an error code page, and the error code -111 appears to be this: ERROR_INVALID_USER_NAME = -111;
It appears that the Module is throwing an error because the user isn't created in SolidCP yet? Does this mean that I need to create each user beforehand in SolidCP, then approve the WHMCS order?
The error would indicate a problem with the username. You should check it for spaces etc and ensure it has not been used in SolidCP by another user.
You dont need to manually create the user in SolidCP. This should be completed by the plugin.