Will SolidCP have support for FileZilla v1.2 soon? Curently there is support only for version 0.9+.
I do believe the 0.9+ version of the provier does work on the latest FileZilla.
I have tested it and last FileZilla compatible verson is: v0.9.6.02
All the best,
We have taken a look at v1 of FileZilla and appears that they have totally changed how the config is made and the password hash.
I can see there is a .Net API which has been broken following https://github.com/PolarbearDK/Miracle.FileZilla.Api/issues/33 with no date to get fixed and what appears to be very little help from the project itself.
Thankyou for testing and confirming it works until v0.9.6.02 but at this time we are going to be marking the FileZilla module end of life until atleast a usable API is around for us to be able to update the module to support v1.
I would advise on new installs to use a different FTP server such as IIS FTP. This does have the addional benifit of recording bandwidth usage inside SolidCP.
Trevor Robinson