Good day,
right now I am trying to import users from my AD using the enterprise import tool, however when I try to select the target hosting space I am getting an error message. I followed the instructions on your manuals page and still ended up getting errors.
Do i actually need to set up an exchange server to do this or is there any way to get around without, since my current set up doesn't acquire an exchange server.
Are you trying to import the users for Exchange or another part of Hosted Org?
The error does show the hosting plan your trying to import into doesn't have Hosted Org enabled. Can you please confirm if this is the case?
Kind Regards,
Trevor Robinson
I am trying to import users from my Active Directory and give them an option to manage their account so that they can for example change their password if needed.
Are you refering to the option "Hosted Organizations" as seen in the image below? I created a hosting space and set up the hostet organization in there too so it should be enabled.
I Don't think the Enterprise import tool is capable to import just Active Directory accounts (it's designed for Exchange as far as i am aware).
thank you for your quick reply and looking into that matter.
I am suprised to hear that since on your manuals page it says that the import tool is used for importing "existing Active Directory accounts, Microsoft Exchange mailboxes and more.."
Do you have any advice for me to make it possible for me to manage the users from my Active Directory through your portal?
Many thanks,