We have just created a new mailbox plan which gives our users a 50 GB quota on their mailboxes. We have changed users to the new mailbox plan but it is not updating their quota from the previously set 25 GB.
I have confirmed that we have use quotas defined on the plan level selected inside the space details.
Please advise the best way to resolve this issue.
I had this happen a while back and resolved it. I unfortunately cannot remember exactly what the root cause was.
Enable verbose logging on the server side in the web.config you can increase logging. It takes effect immediately. If i recall there is a cmdlet that is failing due to a parameter that is invalid. By increasing the logging you should be able to identify the failing cmdlet.
i have turned on verbose logging and i do see the follow result
Cmdlet failed. Cmdlet Set-Mailbox, parameters -RetentionUrl "" -RecoverableItemsQuota "100 MB (104,857,600 bytes)" -DomainController "xxx.ex.xxx.xx.xx" -RetainDeletedItemsFor "180.00:00:00" -ProhibitSendQuota "48.83 GB (52,428,800,000 bytes)" -RetentionComment "" -MaxSendSize "Unlimited" -RecipientLimits "Unlimited" -RecoverableItemsWarningQuota "95 MB (99,614,720 bytes)" -IssueWarningQuota "46.39 GB (49,807,360,000 bytes)" -Identity "rob@xxxx.com" -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota "48.83 GB (52,428,800,000 bytes)" -MaxReceiveSize "48.83 MB (51,200,000 bytes)".
I am unable to see why this is failing.
hi all,
just an update to this ticket, i have resolved the issue. issue was due to having set a recoverableitemsquota that was less than the calendarlogging quota. It advised that the calendarloggingquota was 6 GB so i had to make the recoverableitemsquota to a value larger than this.
The strange thing is that i do not know where the calendarloggingquota has been set.
it looks like 6GB is the default calendarloggingquota property. This property exists on both the databases and mailboxes themselves and is set using the set-mailbox or set-mailboxdatabase.
glad you solved your issue