Just got this email from the control panel
solidcp 8/5/2017 7:23:00 PM Failure: LETS_ENCRYPT_INSTALL:Object reference not set to an instance of an object.; at SolidCP.EnterpriseServer.WebServerController.RenewLetsEncryptCertificate(SSLCertificate certificate)
JUst accessed Solidcp, with the idea of manually renewing the ssl, but there's no Button to renew... under ssl/new certificate says:
A certificate is already installed on this website. You can create a new request or upload a new certificate, however the current certificate will be removed. If you need to renew the current certificate, click the renew button on the Installed Certificate tab.
How can we renew this ssl?
Lets encrypt has been temporarily removed from release 1.2.1.
We where informed that the ex-contributor who “made” it used the codes from MSPControl.
Due to this we have removed the code, and issues one of our developers to start from scratch on the Lets Encrypt feature.
If you do have issues renewing any SSL certificate its best to delete the old one first.
Kind Regards,
Trevor Robinson
OK will try to delete and recreate.... any idea when your new version with this issue corrected will be available?
I am also interested for which version 'Let's Encrypt integration' is set ?
The next update will include lets encrypt again.
We are currently in the process of rounding up development and started testing it.
I assume it will be fully wrapped up and stable in about 1 month.