Marco, could you please tell me why it is mandatory create public folders in exchange 2016 in order to install SolidCP
We are moving our last clients from Exchange 2010 to 2016 and finally we want to delete publics folders because we don't need then
We'd like not to install public folders in exchange 2016
Is it possible?
This is not possible.
Every mailbox has a "default public folder" setting.
If you do not set it to one it will randomly pick one, which in return causes certificate errors in Outlook with customer domains as resolved pf boxes for example.
So for proper segregation in 2013 and higher a OU PF is required to make sure everyone is locked in their own OU.
I'm sorry but I don't understand your last answer
for Exchange users is not mandatory to have public folders in the infraestructure.
Is it mandatory for SolidCP configuration?
Outlook clients connect to the mailboxex by autodiscover service. In any case use public folder configuration.
SolidCP is configured to make segregated OU's. (Exchange by default is not unless you configure very specific settings, PF is part of this).
For proper OU Exchange segregation you need:
ABP, OAB, Address list, rooms list, Gal, PF mailbox, PF
(if you do this directly manually in exchange or use a panel such as SolidCP which does this automated, it is required to configure this per group (Organization) to keep them segregated from eachother).
Since SolidCP is made for Segregation a root PF for each organization is required to ensure customers do not get cert errors, see other customers domain via random PF mailbox (if none is set) etc.
I'm sorry but I still do not understand why is Public Folders mandatory for Segregation
As you can see in this article, I don't see Public Folder is mandatory for segregation
In the case PF is mandatory for SolidCP setpup, could you please tell me what database do I have to create the firse public folder mailbox?
Thank you for your help