I am migrating all my websites to a new server (2012 R2 to 2016). Is there way to transfer everything without having to backup the sites, delete it and re-create it in SolidCP?
We normally use native transfer methods (robocopy, and if local accounts use ps scripts to re-create, assign pass, and set them in iis config) and after that simply switch over the SolidCP Server connection info, and change provider ID's in SolidCP database.
Doing so should be relatively easy to migrate without much hassle.
The main important thing when you move servers with websites on it is the file permissions and users.
IIS, SQL, etc you can simply export using their native tools such as IIS Management, mssql management, etc and import on new server.
However Users / Passwords used for each website in IIS will not be present in the new server, we normally use our own created powershell scripts to re-create and assign properly, you also have some tools to do this for you (i have no experience with any tools but i remember there where a few to do this).
For SQL microsoft has a script to export all users + passwords (so that should go very smooth).
for SolidCP in specific it's all stored in the database and websites, so their easy to move together with the rest.
we try to port an existing structure without AD to a structure with AD, but the problem is that the database is portable, but where in the database do I tell the system to recreate all webs and emails.