Monitor VMs Bandwid...
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Monitor VMs Bandwidth usage

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Posts: 65
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Joined: 7 years ago

Hi, I saw a topic requested this feature about 2 years ago, is it possible to monitor our VMs bandwidth usage now?

4 Replies
Posts: 1509
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Joined: 9 years ago



This is still a feature to be implented but currently we are working to make sure all bugs are removed.


Kind Regards,


Trevor Robinson

Posts: 65
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Joined: 7 years ago

Hi @Trevor, I would like to be a beta tester of Bandwidth monitor function 🙂

I have registered in contributor group but don't see any beta or instruction how to install beta version. Could you please come online on livechat?

Posts: 1509
Noble Member
Joined: 9 years ago



Currently there is no beta version avilable of SolidCP. We only release beta versions when there is a large feature which needs to be tested or a bug fix presenting a larger problem.


I believe at the current moment the Bandwisth montor function has not been work on and has no expected release date.


As a contributor you are able to use the code in the git (Do note this is Alpha code and as such no guarantee can be given for it working). You are also able to provide fix's to the project which will benifit the community along with reporting bugs.


Kind Regards,


Trevor Robinson

Posts: 65
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Joined: 7 years ago

Hi @Trevor,

Thanks for you fast reply! I would like to know the road map of each department if possible, like Hyper-V, AD, Skype, ... so some of us can expect which feature will come next.

Currently I have reported bugs about hyper-v: Additional NIC created without being used, External Switch is not detected when importing VPS, Wrong core limitation. Also requested to have Linux VMs compatible, Bandwidth monitor, Reinstallation function, DHCP, ... But I really see no updates on hyper-v developments, would like to have something to track the project!

I have no offense, I really like to helps but I don't learn programs coding, I do have experiences in web developments but not ASP.NET. And I do understand that this is an opensource, free project, but as I said above, some of those are core functions that needed to make a provider fully functioned.
