Need to understand, what is the correct way to build email hosting plans in solidcp which triggers correct usage / space allocation / user count etc in SM admin.
I have created one SME plan with 10 users and each user default 2GB space and webspace 1 GB, but when i check this domain in SM admin, it shows this domain as 1 GB only, when i check this domain defaults in solidcp, there also it shows 1 GB
so is that plan is not created properly ? OR if this is 10 users then diskspace should have been set to 10 X 2048 mb ?
basically i need to understand correct method so that setup trigger from solidcp updates in SM admin as per plan
The disk space should be set to the maximum allowed for the plan. It then allows the user to use a mixture of settings such as 10 x 2GB or 20 x 1GB.