I need create reseller acount with one reseller package without domains
so I need add 1 hosting plan on inside of this reseller
so I need add one account with one hosting plan with the reseller domain
whats the place that I can read the solidCP api ?
I think is similar api that WSP uses, do your know one place that have WSP API documentation ?
how I create hosting plans on inside of reseller account using API ?
best regards,
Rodrigo Araujo
To use the API you need access to the enterprise server. You will find asmx files which are the API calls.
For example to manage SolidCP users you can find the calls at :9002/esUsers.asmx
You can find the code for the WHMCS plugin which may help with finding the calls at https://github.com/FuseCP/SolidCP/tree/master/SolidCP.WHMCSModule