Can you run the SQL query again and double click on the first error? It should then jump you to the problem code. If you can copy that line or screenshot it we can hopefully help solve the issue.
Kind Regards,
Trevor Robinson
Yes. The first error is because it wants to insert null which is not allowed
INSERT INTO [dbo].[ResourceGroups] (GroupID, GroupName, GroupOrder, GroupController, ShowGroup) VALUES (@group_id, 'Sharepoint Server', @group_order + 1, @group_controller, 1)
I changed the Grouporder value in the script to 31 and then it runs fine.
Next error is quotas
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Quotas] (QuotaID, GroupID, QuotaOrder, QuotaName, QuotaDescription, QuotaTypeID, ServiceQuota)
VALUES (550, @group_id, 1, 'HostedSharePointServer.Sites', 'SharePoint Site Collections', 2, 0)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Quotas] (QuotaID, GroupID, QuotaOrder, QuotaName, QuotaDescription, QuotaTypeID, ServiceQuota)
VALUES (551, @group_id, 2, 'HostedSharePointServer.MaxStorage', 'Max site storage, MB', 3, 0)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Quotas] (QuotaID, GroupID, QuotaOrder, QuotaName, QuotaDescription, QuotaTypeID, ServiceQuota)
VALUES (552, @group_id, 3, 'HostedSharePointServer.UseSharedSSL', 'Use shared SSL Root', 1, 0)
Those already exists so thats why the insert does not work.
No more errors....
Any more ideas?