This issue has been fixed in the latest 1.4.3 release.
despite, the upgrade to 1.4.3 (all modules), i've still the same problem.
Error 503 with 1.4.2 & 1.4.3 .
Error 503 generally indicates an issue with ur application pool (stopped)
if you started it, and it stopped again (resulted again in an error 503) it's usually due to username/password used (identity).
You should be able to find this in your event viewer application log as to why it stops.
stop & start the application pool of the Enterprise Server,
stop & start the application pool of the Portal
stop & start the application pool of the Server
, with the same problem.
There is an error messages in the event viewer application & in the Application section.
How could i send you this long error message ?
Did you verify after loading the site (again) any of the application pools is stopped?
If so which one. (as basically you can start/stop application pools but if they got an auth error they will stop again the second you load the site).