I have upgraded from MSPControl ot SolidCP, and become some errord on DB Upgrade:
Meldung 547, Ebene 16, Status 0, Zeile 16
Die UPDATE-Anweisung steht in Konflikt mit der FOREIGN KEY-Einschränkung 'FK_Providers_ResourceGroups'. Der Konflikt trat in der WebsitePanel-Datenbank, Tabelle 'dbo.ResourceGroups', column 'GroupID' auf.
Meldung 207, Ebene 16, Status 1, Prozedur GetOrganizationDeletedUser, Zeile 10
Ungültiger Spaltenname 'StoragePath'.
Meldung 207, Ebene 16, Status 1, Prozedur GetOrganizationDeletedUser, Zeile 11
Ungültiger Spaltenname 'FolderName'.
Meldung 207, Ebene 16, Status 1, Prozedur GetOrganizationDeletedUser, Zeile 12
Ungültiger Spaltenname 'FileName'.
Meldung 207, Ebene 16, Status 1, Prozedur GetOrganizationDeletedUser, Zeile 13
Ungültiger Spaltenname 'ExpirationDate'.
Meldung 207, Ebene 16, Status 1, Prozedur AddOrganizationDeletedUser, Zeile 18
Ungültiger Spaltenname 'StoragePath'.
Meldung 207, Ebene 16, Status 1, Prozedur AddOrganizationDeletedUser, Zeile 19
Ungültiger Spaltenname 'FolderName'.
Meldung 207, Ebene 16, Status 1, Prozedur AddOrganizationDeletedUser, Zeile 20
Ungültiger Spaltenname 'FileName'.
Meldung 207, Ebene 16, Status 1, Prozedur AddOrganizationDeletedUser, Zeile 21
Ungültiger Spaltenname 'ExpirationDate'.
Meldung 207, Ebene 16, Status 1, Prozedur GetUserByUsernameInternally, Zeile 34
Ungültiger Spaltenname 'InstantMessenger'.
Meldung 207, Ebene 16, Status 1, Prozedur GetUserByIdInternally, Zeile 34
Ungültiger Spaltenname 'InstantMessenger'.
Meldung 2627, Ebene 14, Status 1, Zeile 4
Verletzung der PRIMARY KEY-Einschränkung "PK_ServiceTypes". Ein doppelter Schlüssel kann in das Objekt "dbo.Providers" nicht eingefügt werden. Der doppelte Schlüsselwert ist (1403).
Die Anweisung wurde beendet.
Can you give me advice please?
Unfortunately we dont have any access to the MSPControl database but I would guess that there is a duplicate in the dbo.ResourceGroups and dbo.Providers.
If you can email me a copy of the database to t . robinson @ key4ce.com i will take a look for you.
Kind regards,
Trevor Robinson
I also cannot update some providers. I think it ist because of some sort of reference.
as example:
Windows Server 2016
MSPControl.Providers.OS.Windows2016, MSPControl.Providers.OS.Windows2016
in the script:
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Providers] WHERE [DisplayName] = 'Windows Server 2016')
INSERT [Providers] ([ProviderID], [GroupId], [ProviderName], [DisplayName], [ProviderType], [EditorControl], [DisableAutoDiscovery]) VALUES(111, 1, N'Windows2016', N'Windows Server 2016', N'SolidCP.Providers.OS.Windows2016, SolidCP.Providers.OS.Windows2016', N'Windows2016', NULL)
UPDATE [dbo].[Providers] SET [DisableAutoDiscovery] = NULL WHERE [DisplayName] = 'Windows Server 2016'
i can not change or delete it because of reference in some other tables 🙁
I have roundabout 10 of such tables.
Can you confirm you have also followed our manual at https://solidcp.com/kb/installation/migrate-mspcontrol-solidcp/ to remove the MSPControl Providers.
yes i have but i cannot remove this old providers because the new one was not created because of dublicate.
the error is:
Die DELETE-Anweisung steht in Konflikt mit der REFERENCE-Einschränkung 'FK_ServiceDefaultProperties_Providers'. Der Konflikt trat in der WebsitePanel-Datenbank, Tabelle 'dbo.ServiceDefaultProperties', column 'ProviderID' auf.