we just installed the WHMCS Module, mostly to sell our hosted-exchange accounts.
Installation runs fine, but i didnt get the configuration right.
on SolidCP side:
- Hostingplan "hosted-exchange base" - means hosted-org + some basic settings. no mailboxes included
- Hosting Addon "Mailbox 15 GB", "Mailbox 30GB" - means 1 Mailbox + 15 GB Storage
So all our users do have the hosted-exchange base package and we set the amount of mailboxes as "addon".
= Works fine, and i guess this is the correct way
But now in WHMCS is need to add a product and link it to the Hostingplan "exchange base". Then a hosted organisation in SolidCP will be created.
this product should be limit to 1 per customer, so that not x hosted orgs are created, right?
Then i add a product addon and link it to the hosting-addon "mailbox 15GB".
Problem here, Customers can not add the addon more than one time, so the customer only can buy one mailbox ...
What i'm doing wrong, i guess there must be a better solution 🙂