Web App Gallery Setup
01 - 06 - 2021Enable MFA on Account
01 - 02 - 2023SolidCP does now detect if the language selected is LTR or RTL. Due to the different direction of text a different theme maybe required.
To add a new theme you need to run the following SQL Query:
INSERT [dbo].[Themes] ([ThemeID], [DisplayName], [LTRName], [RTLName], [Enabled], [DisplayOrder]) VALUES (2, N'SolidCP V2', N'SolidCP V2', N'SolidCP V2', 1, 9)
ThemeID: The ID number of the theme
DisplayName: The name listed on the login screen
LTRName: Left to Right language theme (Name of the folder found in App_Themes)
RTLName: Right to Left language theme (Name of the folder found in App_Themes)
Enabled: If the theme is enabled. 0 = Disabled 1= Enabled
DisplayOrder: Numerical order for the theme to be displayed (Low number highest)