Remote Linux SQL
10 - 08 - 2020
SolidCP Update Script (PowerShell)
24 - 05 - 2021SolidCP version 1.4.7 released
SolidCP version 1.4.7 stable has been released.
Due to an unexpected bug of a update we have pre-released another SolidCP stable.
This came along with the odd covid-19 situation and holiday times to which we did not push through too much with FuseCP plans, we reverted to “core business” so we could all be with our families during this unprecidented pandemic.
Since then alot has changed, and we do not expect to “return to office life” any time soon, we created secured home labs and offices to continue our business and have since resumed more or less normal business.
While FuseCP release has been post poned we did think it was important to release a SolidCP update due to the security issue raised by a microsoft update, our Auto update script (ps) will fix this automatically for you during the update, if you have not addressed this your self, plan for a manual update or installer update i would highly recommend to check out the manual here. please make sure to pay attention to the correct charracter formatting especially with the ” ” marks. if done wrong it will error 500.
Update highlights
- 1.4.7 update comes with the first Microsoft SQL remote support, this includes Linux Microsoft SQL’s. the servers no longer require to run SolidCP Server or be in Windows. From MS SQL 2017 and up Linux is also supported as the MS SQL server.
- Packed with minor fixes, for RDS, Hyper-v, Hosted Organizations and more…
- Spanish language pack (beta) has been added to the downloads section, once it achieves stable it will be added as a default language.
- SimpleDNS v8 improvements
- and much more…
For more detailed information on the changes please check out our Changelog:
What didn’t make the cut?
Unfortunatly remote mysql and mariaDB we had to cut out from this release, the backup feature just wasn’t stable enough to be included and has been left out.
We do sincirely hope this will be included on the next release.
What are we working on?
As per the last few posts we mentioned FuseCP, while during the pandemic this has been put on a back burner, it has been put back on our schedule in full.
besides Remote Mysql / MariaDB support for Windows and linux we hope to have the core version ready in stages, to do this we have to make the transfer from Soap calls to Rest API which takes alot of effort as a first stage.
The FuseCP website while delayed will be coming soon, and manuals have been worked on as well.
Last but not least
We hope everyone is doing well during this pandemic, heat wave… disasters, Our heart goes out to everyone, and hope you all make it out more or less unscaved.