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Joined: Jan 31, 2017
Topics: 3 / Replies: 9
Answer: 403 forbidden

How to reset serveradmin pass? After resetting serveradmin, I may login to panel and then reset other clients.

8 years ago
Answer: 403 forbidden

If I haven't backed up web.config file, there is no way I can restore backed up database, am I right?

8 years ago
Answer: 403 forbidden

What I did, backup database uninstall IIS uninstall all three components of solidcp. reinstall IIS reinstall all three components of solidc...

8 years ago
Answer: 403 forbidden

Actually, the only change was installing solidcp server. After installing solidcp I've never restarted server. I don't have any live accounts. So ...

8 years ago
Answer: 403 forbidden

I can't access locally from the portal server itself. Bindings are Ok. Host name is blank, ip addresses - *, and port 9001. IIS stopped working for ...

8 years ago
8 years ago
Replies: 12
Views: 4645
Replies: 1
Views: 1023
Answer: Delete a deleted user, dosen’t delete the AD object

I have similar problem. Moreover, after deletion I can't recreate user with previous email. It says "Specified e-mail address is already in use" even...

8 years ago
Answer: Feedback Wanted…

Thanks for your work. Great job. The optional debug panel that shows powershell commands that are executing in the background . To give administrat...

8 years ago
Answer: limit customers to 1 hosted space

I am also very confused with spaces, customers and hosting plans. For example, how to move space from one customer to another?

8 years ago
Answer: certificate revocation check failed

Thanks Marco, Yes it was the case. In EMC -> Servers -> Certificates -> I had "Revocation check failure" status. With this status everythi...

8 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 2824