Ben Allen
Active Member
Joined: Mar 2, 2018
Topics: 3 / Replies: 11
Answer: Error while creating Hosted Organization

Hi Marco, The issue has been resolved. The issue was coming due orphan entry of global address list in ADSI.Edit. To resolve this case, refer to the ...

6 years ago
Answer: Error while creating Hosted Organization

Moreover, I have deleted all the public folder and public folder mailboxes. Created new one with below command and now its showing with Primary hierar...

6 years ago
Answer: Error while creating Hosted Organization

Hi Marco, Thanks for your reply. I have checked the Exchange logs and have found the error while creating the global address list. The error is give...

6 years ago
Answer: Error while creating Hosted Organization

Hi Marco, I have run the script and primary hierarchy created by script. The first organization public folder mailbox has been setup as primary hiera...

6 years ago
Answer: Error while creating Hosted Organization

Hi Marko, Thanks for providing the script and all other details. The script has created primary public folder mailbox and all other public folder and...

6 years ago
Answer: Error while creating Hosted Organization

Hi Marko, I have edited the values and run the script on Exchange management shell but getting an below error: OU: Get-ADuser : An empty SearchBase ...

6 years ago
Answer: Error while creating Hosted Organization

Hi Marko, Thanks for your quick response. I have OU with Name Customers and all Customers OU are under it. I am not sure how i need to edit these be...

6 years ago
Answer: Error while creating Hosted Organization

Hi Marco, Thanks for your reply. I have deleted all the secondary public folder mailboxes on Exchange. However, I am not sure where i have to run thi...

6 years ago
Replies: 14
Views: 3693
Answer: Unable to configure mailbox created through SolidCP Panel

Hi, Can any body please guide me on this case.

7 years ago
Answer: Unable to configure mailbox created through SolidCP Panel

Are you trying to add a different exchange mailbox to an outlook that already has an exchange mailbox setup? (Outlook has issues with multiple GAL’s)....

7 years ago
Answer: Unable to create the mailbox

Hi Macro, Thank you so much for sharing the valuable information. I am able to resolve this issue and now mailbox is created fine. I have done foll...

7 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1522