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Joined: Mar 2, 2017
Last seen: Apr 17, 2024
Topics: 39 / Replies: 74
Answer: whmcs module settings

Hello, I was successfully able to create a user and assign a hosting space to him, however, the module did indeed require a username to be input, h...

7 years ago
Answer: whmcs module settings

Good Afternoon, I have done the following... did i miss something ?... also i did a test hosting space in SCP and a test client, i was ho...

7 years ago
7 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 2414
Answer: changing portal port to 80

i did that but for some reason when i point my browser to it redirects me instead to a subdomain scp.domain.com, also i tried to replicat...

7 years ago
Answer: changing portal port to 80

i have totally messed things up ! can you advise if those settings are right or not and how to fix my scp installation as my portal is no longer ac...

7 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 3149
Answer: whmcs module settings

so i created a test account and entered the setting as follows and left all the rest Blank:- Package name: test Parent Space ID: 1 Portal URL:((S...

7 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 2001
7 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1570
Answer: Android App

well, yes indeed scp is mobile is fine but the text is crammed and i believe some buttons don't appear untill i change the browser to appear in deskto...

7 years ago
7 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 2443
Answer: SolidCP WHMCS module v. 1.1.2 – now compatible with PHP7

I will be glad to share the solution for this issue it might help someone in need (like me) when searching the forums if u were not able to access t...

8 years ago
Answer: Whmcs Module connection Problem

I will be glad to share the solution for this issue it might help someone in need (like me) when searching the forums   Thanks for the hint abo...

8 years ago
Answer: Whmcs Module connection Problem

Same here, was this issue ever resolved???

8 years ago
Answer: Monitor/Limit VPS Bandwidth Usage

even through using awstatus plugin trevor wont help ??... thanks,

8 years ago
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