Last seen: Mar 27, 2025
The manual is indeed outdated (think it's written in the times of Windows 2012), we intend to launch new manuals with the new (all platform) release. ...
It is really a generic error. In most cases (especially if it used to work) such error comes from an issue in the web.config which it can't read/int...
Hello, Unfortunatly it's the way the script verifies members in a segregated way that makes it take this long (it basically enquirers each independe...
Hello, Is this a fully new user? or one that pre-existed? As it appears it's having issues getting the address book policy values. (which should ...
@uwewj SolidCP does not have this function you will have to use IIS / FTP / Email native methods to migrate from one server to another.
We had some issues with our AD Replication (which runs on the webservers the installer is on). This should now have a permanent fix and download sh...
This should now be resolved and working as normal.
@uwewj You mean the scripts i use for iis? those we just use internally.They are tricky depending on existing and new setups which generally means cus...
Hello, I haven't been able to re-produce this behaviour. When you add the domain have you enabled/ checked anything for it to auto setup? (if so ...
Hello, I'm afraid SolidCP has no such feature to re-create accounts on a server from it's database. it only really does the other way around (Acco...
@enguard It can be downloaded now.
@enguard It will be simply overwriting current files for now (just a few minor fixes isn't worth pushing out 1.5.1 just yet, however if there's a bit ...
Just to make sure: 1) The portal footer states 1.5.0? 2) Enterprise url shows version 1.5.0?) 3) SolidCP Server urls (of any involved server)sho...
@macintoshelectronics Yes, 2025 support has been added and tested in 1.5.0