Adam (Caister Computers)
Active Member
Joined: Jun 16, 2017
Topics: 5 / Replies: 11
Answer: Setting up new domains for webmail

Hi Rafael, Can you explain how I would bind webmail to any host? Currently it's setup in IIS but in order to access webmail for newly created do...

7 years ago
Answer: Setting up new domains for webmail

Hi Marco, Thanks for your reply. So as long as the correct DNS is in place this should be working by default ect? Is there anything I can che...

7 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 3333
Answer: Error creating mail account after ME migration

Marco! So easy when you know how! That's awesome thank you very much. Cheers, Adam

7 years ago
Answer: Let’s Encrypt for the portal

Hi Marco, Would it be possible to have some further details on this please? Perhaps a tutorial? I'm sure those installing SolidCP would find thi...

7 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 981
Answer: SSL Tab Missing in Web Sites

Thanks once again Marco - will have to upgrade to 2012 I think! Cheers, Adam

7 years ago
Answer: SSL Tab Missing in Web Sites

Hi, I apologise for the ressurection of an old post but if you only have access to a shared IP and are using Server 2008 would Let's Encrypt be ava...

7 years ago
Answer: Unable to run the auto update tool for 1.3

Thanks the 1.6 script worked however now I get a SolidCP error when trying to browse the control panel for a website. Server Error in '/' Application...

7 years ago
Answer: Unable to run the auto update tool for 1.3

Right, So I managed to get the tool to work by updating powershell to v3. I am now getting the following error and now the script appears to hav...

7 years ago
Answer: Unable to run the auto update tool for 1.3

Hi Marco, Thanks for getting back to me. Turns out it was the execution policy (something you might want to include in the relevant documentatio...

7 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 1754
Answer: Changelog for 1.3?

Hi Marco, I love Solid CP you guys put in so much effort and it's all completely free. THANK YOU. White label templates or just some theming op...

7 years ago
Answer: Changelog for 1.3?

Hi Marco, Thanks for that some awesome stuff there - looking forward to trying Let's Encrypt out again! Any plans to allow easier access to cust...

7 years ago
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