Last seen: Feb 11, 2025
Looks like its not possible to just leave it blank. When i check how to call the domaindefaults i dont see any API Call. Not sure if you can rush it t...
That setting was from the old SM10 provider as it was we copied over the provider page but does it make sense and if yes how? If the plan has 10...
For this i wont set the host and it should pickup the default as i think thats best anyway
Should now be fixed
Automated Forwarding is now set when the domain is created. The option for keep orignal sender appears to be auto enabled in Smartermail. If you...
That should not have a effect. The API clearly has us set fullName & displayas. I would say this is a API issue as we send the same fields on a up...
Hey, We have fixed all the bugs in the other post and was able to work out the broken API call Marco mentioned. As a beta i am going to re...
This has been fixed and will be inclded in the next release. It does require a portal update. I have also included signature in the html editor also
@ice Sounds like LE is unable to access the /.well-known/acme-challenge folder on the domain. Maybe you have password protection or prevent access via...
Fixed this one and will be included in the next release.
This has now been fixed and will be included in the next release.
This has been confirmed working on the latest code. It most likely would have been fixed by one of the other fixes.
@enguard This is working. The one thing i noticed is you have to enable automated fording per domain. Do you know if this was autoenabled on SM10?
This appears to be working now but may have been fixed by a previous bug as we redid the API calls
This has now been fixed in the latest commmit. It will be included in the next release.