Yesterday updated server from Version 1.4.2 to Version 1.4.4, using the updater script
Today I noticed a let's encrypt certificate didn't renew.. processed it manually and it returned the following:
C:Windowssystem32>C:WebsitePanelServerbinLetsEncryptletsencrypt.exe --ren
ew --baseuri "https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/"
[INFO] Let's Encrypt Windows Simple (LEWS)
[INFO] Software version (RELEASE)
[INFO] IIS version 8.5
[INFO] ACME Server https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/
[INFO] Please report issues at https://github.com/Lone-Coder/letsencrypt-win-si
[INFO] Renewing certificate for webmail.euro5.2v.net
[INFO] Authorizing webmail.euro5.2v.net using http-01 validation (FileSystem)
[EROR] ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested
types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
[EROR] Renewal for webmail.euro5.2v.net failed, will retry on next run
What can be the reason for this to happen and how to correct?
Never had this problem before
Can you confirm that the webmail domain is pointing to the same IIS server as your trying to run the renew on?
Yes, it is on the same server.... this has been renewed for a few years with solidcp without problems until now.
I will have the option to delete it and install a new one before expiring, guess it will do the trick, but wanted to figure out what may have caused this failure to renew.
Hello again
Tried again running manually including --verbose, and got this, if that helps (it was a much longer code... but just pasted this)
TypeLoadException {Message="Could not load type 'ACMESharp.Author
izations.Http01ChallengeValidationDetails' from assembly 'ACMESharp, Version=0.9
.1.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.", TypeName="ACMESharp.Authorization
s.Http01ChallengeValidationDetails", Data=[], InnerException=null, TargetSite=nu
ll, StackTrace=null, HelpLink=null, Source=null, HResult=-2146233054}
Its strange you got that error. We have tried to recreate it but not been able to.
Can you try reload your SolidCP Server files on this server? You can find a copy of them at http://installer.solidcp.com/Files/Stable/SolidCP-Server.zip
**Please make sure to backup and reload your web.config file.