After upgrading from 1.4.7 to 1.4.8 we recive this error when accesing Exchange
"The given key was not present in the dictionary."
This was resolved by manually running the SQL script in the latest download
Glad you was able to resolve this with the SQL script. Can you tell me what page you was trying to access with this error?
Hi Trevor, it was when i tried to access the mailbox page under hosted Exchange.
Hey, I just wanted to follow ono to your thread with a little more information I discovered today. In our system, we had created some service levels. We use these to differentiate between our pricing tiers for users. (for billing we run reports directly from SQL). We created the service levels and then set the quota to unlimited (-1) in the hosting plan. This had the effect of creating new quotas in the dbo.Quotas table. For us, the identity insert created quota ids 730-736. in your upgrade sql script you insert directly into this table twice (see below) This insert fails because your specify QuotaIDs 731 and 730. I added 2 new Service Levels, updated the exchangeaccounts table with the new ids and then I deleted the rows with the IDs you hard coded and reran the script. This resolved our issue. In case it is helpful, here are the 2 (+1 we didnt conflict with) inserts from your script
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Quotas] WHERE [QuotaName] = 'Exchange2013.AutoReply')
INSERT [dbo].[Quotas] ([QuotaID], [GroupID], [QuotaOrder], [QuotaName], [QuotaDescription], [QuotaTypeID], [ServiceQuota], [ItemTypeID], [HideQuota])
VALUES (729, 12, 32, N'Exchange2013.AutoReply', N'Automatic Replies via SolidCP Allowed', 1, 0, NULL, NULL)
-- Additional VHD count per VM
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Quotas] WHERE [QuotaName] = 'VPS2012.AdditionalVhdCount')
INSERT [dbo].[Quotas] ([QuotaID], [GroupID], [QuotaOrder], [QuotaName], [QuotaDescription], [QuotaTypeID], [ServiceQuota], [ItemTypeID], [HideQuota]) VALUES (730, 33, 6, N'VPS2012.AdditionalVhdCount', N'Additional Hard Drives per VPS', 3, 0, NULL, NULL)
-- Exchange2013 Journaling mailboxes
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Quotas] WHERE [QuotaName] = 'Exchange2013.JournalingMailboxes')
INSERT [dbo].[Quotas] ([QuotaID], [GroupID], [QuotaOrder], [QuotaName], [QuotaDescription], [QuotaTypeID], [ServiceQuota], [ItemTypeID], [HideQuota])
VALUES (731, 12, 31, N'Exchange2013.JournalingMailboxes', N'Journaling Mailboxes per Organization', 2, 0, NULL, NULL)