Reputable Member
Joined: May 3, 2017
Last seen: Apr 4, 2024
Topics: 56 / Replies: 181
Answer: Re: What is expected in 1.4.1

Hi, what actual changes were made to the domains quotas ? I cant see any difference ?

7 years ago
Answer: Re: What is expected in 1.4.1

Hi, with regards to the domain quota restrictions, was there any fixes to limit mail domains, and parked domains, ie you can limit the domains, and ...

7 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1445
Answer: Instant Alias Not Working as in WSP 2.1

Thi function is definately not working in 1.4, The control panel has been configured correct, the a records etc defined, in iis, ip etc, but when you ...

7 years ago
Answer: can someone else test this possible bug for me.

ok to test this I added a website while it was set to domainbackups and then I changed the policy to backup and then added 2 sites, if I delete the fi...

7 years ago
Answer: can someone else test this possible bug for me.

ok, seems to have found the bug, we configured the website backup folder in the web policy to backup which creates a single backup folder above all th...

7 years ago
Answer: can someone else test this possible bug for me.

ok just did some more tests, I just added a new virtual server with one server in it with iis and operating system, no other services, created a new h...

7 years ago
7 years ago
Answer: Hyper-V Suports Linux VMs

I am interested in this myself. Currently we have blank images of the ubuntu and centos servers setup and preconfigured, and solidcp can provision the...

7 years ago
Answer: whmcs module connection problem

you can gippo the system, on the enterprise server set it up using solidcp installer to get the correct info, ie and passwords, etc. On...

7 years ago
Answer: Count Bandwidth Scheduled task infinite loop on Smartermail server

Hi,   yes we see the log files growing substantially as well, constant hit on the services files, its not the solidcp logs growing its the ...

7 years ago
Answer: Backup and restoration of a customers space

basically what you are doing is correct. you do need to rename it back to .scpak basically all the packageid should be linked to the specific clien...

7 years ago
Answer: Backup and restoration of a customers space

did you make sure you changed all the packageids and paths in the xml file and then update the zip with the updated file ? You need to extract the ...

7 years ago
Answer: Backup and restoration of a customers space

You basically open the zip file, either rename it to .zip or use a zip program that can open the file, rename is simplest. Edit the backupcatalog.x...

7 years ago
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