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Joined: May 3, 2017
Last seen: Apr 4, 2024
Topics: 56 / Replies: 181
Answer: assigning custom dns servers to a reseller.

Hi Sorry for the long gap, yes this is exactly what I was looking for, edit the re sellers dns server names and their clients get the dns server names...

8 years ago
Answer: assigning custom dns servers to a reseller.

We currently use msdns and simpledns, but it would be good to be able to add custom nameservers into the resellers customers dns zones when they get a...

8 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1683
Answer: Error rebooting remote server

I also have seen this error when trying to reboot the servers. Seems the process doesnt have admin rights to do this.

8 years ago
Answer: Modifying a specific site causes a ‘The account already exists’ error

Delete the site from iis. Delete the website folder from the drive and also delete the user for the website from the users under computer managenent. ...

8 years ago
Answer: Backup and restoration of a customers space

Ok also the physical path of the space also needs to be selected from the new space location ie "c:hostingspacestestdom". In testing this I setup a...

8 years ago
Answer: Backup and restoration of a customers space

Ok after backing up and recreating the same plan and backing up again, it seems it is down to the fact that the space id differs. ie the first space i...

8 years ago
Answer: Backup and restoration of a customers space

Ok After trying again, I tried deleting the website or resources in the space and then restoring that works fine, but if you delete the space and recr...

8 years ago
Answer: Backup and restoration of a customers space

Hi Marco, I tried both options and both the restore takes like 2 secs, says it completed fine, but nothing is created or restored. This is a maj...

8 years ago
Answer: Issue with whmcs module / solidcp when provisioning multiple packages for one client.

Hi, Bogdan, I decided to scrap all the accounts in whmcs, deleted the products, deleted the module and re-setup all the hosting plans in solidcp, s...

8 years ago
Replies: 13
Views: 4324
Answer: Issue with whmcs module / solidcp when provisioning multiple packages for one client.

Hi, yes I have all my plans requiring a domain, when I register the plan on whmcs, I provide a company name and a domain name, the company name get...

8 years ago
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